Monday, March 5, 2012

Update - Good News!

It's always nice to have good news for a change. The last week in February I had a PET Scan to see how and what my treatment was doing for the cancer. As the doctor put it, (with a big smile on his face) - the tumor has shrunk dramatically! Not back to normal yet, but a large improvement! So we continue on with the chemotherapy as planned. I had a treatment on Wednesday, so I've felt rotten for a few days, but I think I am beginning to improve today.


Tony said...

That is good news indeed! Sending you positive thoughts and love.

Thinking of you.

XOXO - Tony

Jody said...

Yes!!! Good news indeed!
I was so excited to hear this that i jumped into the air and clicked my heels together!

Like i told Ms Jodi, i never thought i would be glad to hear my Mom was going to have chemotherapy but his was one moment while waiting for the PET scan results that i was happy to hear it.

While relieved that doesn't mean i'll relax on the thoughts, prayers, and love that i'm sending your way.

We've had a message in magnetic letters on our fridge this whole time that says
"Get Well Grandma Liz"
and it will stay there until we get through this.

And i believe you will get through this!