CANCER - What a big scary word. A big scary thing.
For those of you that by chance haven't gotten the the word, we found out on the 22nd of December that I have cancer. Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. A tumor in my spine and in my left leg. If I hadn't broken my hip in July I suppose we would all be sitting around in the dark letting the tumors continue to grow. We have God, Doctors, Treatments, Family and Friends and between all of the above I firmly believe we will lick this cancer. So far I have had 10 radiation treatments and 2 chemotherapy treatments. This month we will check to make sure the treatments are working like we think they are and if they are, we will continue on with chemotherapy for several months.
I haven't been on my blog for obvious reasons, but I am trying to get back into life. Some days my brain and body work well, and some days they don't. So bear with me. Visit me once in a while, and feel free to leave comments, ALL ARE WELCOME. There is only one way to go and that is forward. I am on this earth for a reason and have Many things left to do in this life.
I am looking forward to seeing you've visited my blog!
Hi Sweetie,
Glad to see you felt like posting. I have been sending prayers your way every day!
I went to Jordan's musical play...he was and is soooo cute!
Hang in there! You are my inspiration.
Love, Pickle
Hey, Bits:
Keep up the good work on the blog and on your fight. Sending positive thoughts and love your way.
I think most of us are taught the "C" word is the worst. (you know which one i'm talking about, the one you're never supposed to use in referance to a lady) But "cancer" has become the "C" word we fear hearing uttered the most. Then there is another "C" word we pray to hear "curable". While not always certain it is always possible. I pray for the day you call me to tell me your are a "cancer survivor" and no longer a "cancer sufferer".
When we told the boys they just nodded their heads and said "ok" like when we told them about you breaking your hip. It seemed to me like they were confident you would get over this just like you had been getting over your broken hip. Joseph (who has beared witness to many a loved one lost to cancer) didn't seem upset or preturbed. Ms Jodi asked him "Are you alright?" he answered "yeah" she said "Are you sure?" to which his reply was "Yeah. I don't have a bad feeling about it." it wasn't the same reply or response we had gotten from him in the past when he was told about other loved ones he's lost having cancer. And both the boys seem very "intuitive" about things.
As funny example of their intuition: I was grocery shopping with Jordan one time and there was some others on the same aisle as us getting some sugar when Jordan blurts out "You forgot the the flour!" the lady says to him "Oh! Thank you! I completely forgot to put it on my list." later on another aisle Jordan says to me "Dad, i don't know why i said that!? I was going to tell you not to forget the sugar when i said that."
I have a feeling myself that everything will be alright and you will get through this. It's what i feel and what i believe no matter what i fear. And believe me i do have fears. But i trust my gut feelings no matter what my fears try to persuade me to believe and my gut feelings tell me you will be alright.
We both know cancer survivors so we both know it can be done. And we will all keep our thoughts and prayers working toward the ultimate goal.
It's like you said "There is only one way to go and that is forward."
I was watching a show on tv last night and a guy said something that wasn't about cancer but it was about suffering and it applies to everything in life, he said something to the effect of "I'm not going to lie to you some days just suck but we have to keep going forward." It really is the only way to go because we can't back up on the road of life only move forward.
I love you and i'll be thinking of you!
Thrilled to hear your doing better.
So sorry for your bad days but good days are coming!
Love, Uncle Jay
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