Friday, March 18, 2011

Spring Garden 3

The tomatoes, peppers, green beans, and squash are all in the garden now. 

Spring Garden 2

My lettuce was about 7 inches tall and I went out one day and it was eaten off to the ground. So we covered it up with rabbit wire and now it has outgrown the wire, so we'll have to think of something else now.

Spring Garden 1

Thursday, March 17, 2011

AJC2011 # 8 Reinforce

Credits -

Art Journal Project 52 Pg 5 Heart

I really enjoyed making this page. The little boy is a copy of a digital painting I made a year ago. It's a composition painting of Joseph and Jordan. The technique for the background is transfers of an old book using gel medium. The rest is painted by me. I really like the bird with the heart.